When attending The Illinois institute of Art – Chicago, I took a course that focused on advanced typography. The objective of the course was to help better my understanding as a designer in both the traditional and historic sense of the art, but also in the ways that it was practically used over the course of time. I was to apply these findings to my interpretation of a Jorge Borges book titled “The Babylon Lottery”
Browse Book through interactive flash.

Creating Artifacts
There were a lot of requirements that came with the project. One of those requirements was to produce a number of “Artifacts” to help illustrate the story a bit more, as well as demonstrate your skills as a designer and story teller through visual imagery relating to the story.

Conceptual Thought
Always being big on the conceptional thought process, I set out to create something that engaged the reader in more of away than just simply reading the book itself. The idea was that the book you are browsing through is a book that was found. Nobody knows who found the book or who owned the book before it was lost, but whoever had the book before wrote messages through it speaking specifically to their life struggles, and made corrections to the verb age along the way that sparked emotion from the owner.