Brought on as a freelance contractor at an agency called “RightPoint” to help with design solutions pertaining to Intranets, or commonly know as “Corporate Portals” where companies can exchange data and information within an organization through a thought out and fully designed internal website. This particular project was for a redesign of the Global Intranet for the McDonald’s Corporation.

Designing a Fully Responsive Design
After being briefed on what the client was and what they wanted, naturally I was excited to be working on such a larger brand, and a piece of material that would be of vital use to the company. I took the opportunity to think through what the objective of the re-design was, and realized quickly into the process that everything needed to built “modular” as to allow for a plug and play mentally in the backend of the CMS (Content Management System) that they would be building the final site on top of.

Using Color Treatments to Guide The User
Colors and focus were one of the most appealing things to me in this project. Each flavoring of the brand appropriately had a unique color to its individual packaging. This helped consumers in the past find the different products on the menus, so I decided it would be best to pull what was working in the stores and put it to their web redesign. Always looking at what works for the physical world and trying to apply to the digital. Giving each flavor its own unique color treatment helped produce and contribute to the sites ease of use, when navigating through it.

Resourceful and Functional
We wanted to build a site that not only looked nice and worked perfectly, but one that was easy on the end user, considering this was meant to be a place or some referred to it as a “tool” for each of the MCD employees to log into and get their information they were seeking. We did this by keeping the design simple for the most part and color coding certain types of document contents for easy browsing while using the site.
McDonald’s Intranet Design
Brought on as a freelance contractor at an agency called “RightPoint” to help with design solutions pertaining to Intranets, or commonly know as “Corporate Portals” where companies can exchange data and information within an organization through a thought out and fully designed internal website. This particular project was for a redesign of the Global Intranet for the McDonald’s Corporation.