How Gas Pumps Work Info Graphic
While attending The Illinois Institute of Art – Chicago, I took a class that focused on information and data design. The objective of each project was to pick a subject or topic that you would have interest in visually showing how it works. At the time I was driving a lot and had always wondered how gas pumps actually got the gas to the pump. This poster shows how that is done.
Feel free to download if interested.
Design Details
In this design I wanted to completely illustrate everything from scratch. Not being one that illustrates all that much I saw this as a interesting challenge to take on. First I referenced lots of items from the internet and collected as many photos of things I would want to try and recreate. After collecting a collage of sorts I started illustrating the items one by one.
Feel free to download if interested.
Chicago City of Steel
Both art periods that I choose to appropriate were unique in their own way. I choose them as I felt that each ones uniqueness would compliment the others in a really cool way. The hand lettering from the 1930’s era combined with Russian Constructivism made for a tight but playful design in my opinion.
Feel free to download if interested.
Movements in Design
Both art periods that I choose to appropriate were unique in their own way. I choose them as I felt that each ones uniqueness would compliment the others in a really cool way. The hand lettering from the 1930’s era combined with Russian Constructivism made for a tight but playful design in my opinion.
Feel free to download a copy for yourself.